Our Saturday night service (5:00 pm) is called “Lamplight”. The service is intended to bring the light of Christ into the hearts and lives of people so they can be set free to be His people and bear His light to others. The style is a mixture of traditional elements and new – the liturgy is “from the heart” rather than from a page and sometimes embedded in the music. But Lamplight worship also retains some congregational speaking from words projected on a screen (confession of sin, confession of faith using a historic creed, and praying the Lord’s Prayer), and, of course, congregational singing too.
Sunday morning at the 8:30 service could be considered classical or traditional, incorporating the music of our beautiful pipe organ, and occasionally piano and other orchestral instruments, adult choir, soloists, and handbells. The liturgy and hymnody are largely taken from the Lutheran Service Book (Concordia Publishing House).
Our 11:00 service is somewhat of a blended service with a solid liturgical foundation but with a popular style of “praise and worship” music. At this service, you will hear drums, brass, flutes, keyboards, guitars, electric bass, and an ensemble of singers with microphones.
ADULT CHOIR REHEARSAL is at 7:00 on Wednesday evenings September-May. We are always looking for new choir members! Please call the church office at 269-327-7832, if you are interested in joining!