Passing It On:
Generational Discipleship
In Scripture, it is the model we are given for how we instill within our children and grandchildren the faith that our parents and grandparents shared with us and we do so within the context of relationship, mentorship and community.
There are examples of generational discipleship all through Scripture.
The most oft-quoted verse about generational discipleship is probably Deuteronomy 6:4-9 where we are told to impress the commands of the Lord upon our children and to talk about them when sit and when we walk and when we lie down and when we get up…so basically, all of the time. And this command is given within the full assembly of Israel to all the people, so not just to parents but to the larger faith community.
We see this idea of generational discipleship play out in Scripture through so many intergenerational and familial relationships. Some examples include but are certainly not limited to…
- Eli and Samuel (I Samuel 3)
- Timothy and his mother and grandmother AND Timothy and Paul (2 Tim. 1:5)
- Elijah and Elisha (2 Kings 2)
- Naomi and Ruth (The book of Ruth)
- Moses and Joshua (Deut. 31)
- Mordecai and Esther (The book of Esther)
Sunday School for Children
It’s more than a story—it’s good news! We are here on Sunday mornings and beyond to assist your family with this important message.
Students in Preschool-2nd Grade are meeting in Room 123 for activities.
The Gospel Project - A weekly age-appropriate Bible study curriculum that helps kids dive deep into the big story of the Bible — God’s plan to rescue His people through His Son, Jesus Christ.
4th-7th Grades meets in Room 122 for activities.
Answers In Genesis Bible Curriculum brings the Bible to life, as we dig into the rich content of God's Word! It equips young and old with facts from culture, history, and science to defend the Bible against common skeptical questions.
Christian Education
Learning and growing events for children (beginning at three years of age) are held on Sunday mornings between services. A supervised nursery is available for children up to 3 years throughout our Sunday morning activities.
There are Bible classes and topical seminars on Sunday mornings for adults, as well at various other times throughout the week. We also have a growing number of small groups of about 10 people or less each that meet in homes, restaurants, and at church. They meet at various times of the week and some meet bi-weekly.
A mid-week class is held for grades 6 – 8 on Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. These sessions offer instruction toward First Communion and the Rite of Confirmation upon completion.
Vacation Bible School is a one-week fun adventure during the summer for children of the congregation and the community. This great learning experience is not limited to the children, as many teenagers and adult volunteers share in this effort.
Adult and Children’s libraries are well stocked and current materials are available for check-out, including books, CDs, DVDs, audio and videotapes.
For more information about Christian Education, please give us a call at (269) 327-7832 or send us an email at
We also encourage families to be engaged in devotional time at home through reading the Scriptures; experiencing a new church location as you travel for vacation; finding unique and interesting places to have family prayer time; and having caring conversations about how Jesus is working within your daily lives.