Who Are We?

We are a loving and caring family of faith that is dedicated to making disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ. We were founded in September of 1960 as a member congregation of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. We are honored to have you worship the Lord with us at any time and we pray that you would always find our congregation to be welcoming and Spiritually uplifting.

Statement of Faith

To learn more about what we believe as members of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, click here.


We believe that the Holy Bible is the inspired, inerrant word of God and is the basis and authority for all matters of faith and life. As Lutherans, We believe that the Lutheran Confessions of 1580 are an accurate exhibition of what the Bible teaches. These confessions include the three ecumenical or universal creeds of the Christian Church, namely; the Nicene Creed, the Apostles’ Creed, and the Athanasian Creed all of which confess one God in three persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).


We believe in Jesus Christ as true God and true man and our only Savior from the just penalty for our sin. Jesus saved us from eternal damnation by living a perfectly obedient life in our place, by paying the death penalty that our sins deserve with His own suffering and death on the cross, and by bodily rising from the dead so that we too might bodily rise from the dead on the last day and spend eternity in the bliss of heaven with our Savior and all true believers in Him.


We believe that God extends this salvation to us purely by His grace and we receive it by faith alone, a faith that is created and nurtured in our hearts by the Holy Spirit working through the Gospel and Sacraments.


We believe that the Christian life is living in a daily love relationship with God in which we are empowered to serve Him in our daily life by caring for one another and for the world around us.


The official position of our Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod on many theological and doctrinal questions can be found on their website by clicking here.

Membership Opportunities & Responsibilities

Everyone desiring membership is ordinarily expected to be a part of an orientation class and a rite of reception in a worship service. The content, opportunities, and responsibilities of being a Christian and a member of the church are shared at this orientation.

For more information on becoming a member of St. Michael Lutheran Church, please give us a call at (269) 327-7832, or send us an email at info@mightymessengers.org

Non-Discrimination Policy

St. Michael Lutheran Church and its affiliated agencies are open and accept all people consistent with the clear teachings of Scripture. Scripture teaches that we are all sinful by nature and are in need of the salvation that comes only through faith in Jesus Christ. Correspondingly, St. Michael does not discriminate on the basis of one’s sinful condition, even though it does not and cannot condone sinful behavior. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national, or ethnic origin in the administration of our educational or admission policies.