There is no fee to attend Vacation Bible School.
We are happy to provide this week of adventure!
We have calculated that the costs from decorations, lesson materials, special giveaway items, snacks, etc. adds up to approximately $25 per child that attends. If you would like to make a donation to the ministry, please follow this link and select Children's Ministry.
Vacation Bible School 2024
Registration is full at this time. We are sorry to disappoint you!
Volunteers are still encouraged to register below.
JULY 22-26
With a family celebration on the evening of July 27th.
Our primary goal has always been to bring God glory by boldly and unashamedly proclaiming Him to the younger generations. Children are loved by their Creator, and Jesus said to let them come to Him (Luke 18:16).
Listen... Can you hear a howler monkey screeching and insects buzzing?
Look... Do you see a sloth hanging from a tree and a jaguar crouching, ready to pounce?
Smell... Is that the aroma of tropical flowers wafting through the air?
Touch... Do you feel soft grass under your feet and gentle rain on your skin?
Taste... Is that delicious milk from a coconut and exotic spices from the rainforest?
It's a Jungle Out There!
For many years, St. Michael Lutheran Church has been hosting Vacation Bible School for Portage area families. We are excited to welcome your family to our campus and this 2024 adventure!
Excitement and adventure await from the first minute of each day, when kids meet up with their appropriate-age travel groups in the high-energy Jungle Jam Assembly. There will be wacky intros, unexpected adventure, scripture memory and prayer for the journey.
On this epic cruise from Genesis to Revelation, kids will make stops at five ports of call. The Tree-mendous Crafts & Science, Canopy Cafe for Snacks, Rainforest Recreation & Games, and Traveler's Mission Moments will captivate hearts and minds along the way to the Rain or Shine Bible Time, where we visit seven biblical events of history.

We need over 100 volunteers!
Junior High (current 6-7-8 grades) and High School students are encouraged to assist!
All Volunteers and Staff over the age of 18 years are background checked and must attend a training session prior to serving. Younger Volunteers may be assigned to serve alongside an adult mentor to offer guidance.
Daily Bible Content
Bible Point: Creation -- ALL is Good.
Bible Story: Examining how it all began -- man's ideas or God's Word.
Bible Verses: Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."

Bible Point: Corruption and Catastrophe -- ALL Sin.
Bible Story: Examining the reality of a global flood.
Bible Verse: Psalm 14:3 "They have all turned aside; together they have become corrupt; there is none who does good, not even one."

Bible Point: Confusion -- ALL in Confusion
Bible Story: Examining where the people groups came from.
Bible Verse: Genesis 11: "Therefore its name was called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth. And from there the Lord dispersed them over the face of all the earth."

Bible Point: Christ and the Cross
Bible Story: Examining the need for a Savior
Bible Verse: John 1:12 "But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God,"

Bible Point: Consummation or Conclusion
Bible Story: Examining how it turns out in the end.
Bible Verse: Revelation 21:4 "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away."

Wellness Policy
At St. Michael, we strive to provide a healthy environment for all and ask that those experiencing symptoms of illness refrain from in-person activities. We can’t emphasize enough the importance of following our request. Parents will be notified immediately if a child starts feeling unwell. We appreciate your care and consideration of others.
Weather permitting, we will host our games outdoors for approximately a twenty-minute period. If your child has a concern for sun exposure, we ask that you please apply a sunscreen prior to arriving. We transition quickly and volunteers cannot do that for the group.
Arrival Details
Arrive by 8:45 am, the first day for sure! VBS programming starts promptly at 9 am and you want to get your child connected with their Crew Leader. Please no drop-offs in the parking lot. An adult should escort a child to their designated spot. Please use our Main Church Entrance (big awning in the middle of the length of the building). Parents will take children to the crew leader that is nearest to the ASSIGNED COLOR GROUP and ANIMAL NAME. This information should be emailed to you the week prior to the start of VBS.
Meeting registration friend requests is challenging. Preassigned tour groups will be set to meet safety ratios. Please prepare your child to be excited for meeting and participating with their new friends.
Pickup Details
Pick-up time will be at 12:00 pm. You are welcome to arrive a few minutes early, however, please refrain from taking your child out of the Jungle Jam Assembly until the Leaders wrap-up and dismiss the kids. For safety, all kids are dismissed to their assigned adult or emergency contact friend only.
Treats will be shared daily. Fresh Fruit and Skinny Pop Popcorn will be available for those that might need an alternative. If your child has an allergy or a dietary concern that would prohibit them from eating any of the snacks, please send a personal-size alternative snack in a baggie with their name attached. This should be given to the Registration Team to ensure that it gets to the kitchen area.